
Showing posts from June, 2018


My previous postings were written but never published. I didn’t want to jinx the sale. But it all went through! We closed March 30th (Good Friday), and the new owners took possession on Monday April 2nd. That happened to be my husband’s birthday. He will have a hard time topping that birthday gift! After 52 days of cross training, I am completely out of the business.  They have called a few times, and I expect that will occur occasionally for the next several months - which I don’t mind, but I am essentially unemployed. What does that feel like? Hard to tell.  The first week was sort of an Atlanta staycation.  I had the car in the shop, I pressure washed the sidewalk, took Ralph, our dog on long walks. That was great.  For about 4 days.  There were two days that I didn’t have my car and Glenn was out doing his business. I thought to myself, this isn’t going to work for me.  I have been going, going, going for so many years that I am not sure how to slow down.  I am still gobbling down

Under Contract

It's Sunday January 21st  and the store is under contract.  It’s contingent on the buyer getting a business loan, so we won’t know if it will go through for probably another two weeks. The waiting is driving me crazy. Strangely, a possible yes is worse than not having a buyer. Part of me wants to  fantasize about what I will do, where I’ll live etc. once the sale goes through.  The other part of me doesn’t want to jinx the sale by getting too far ahead of myself.  So basically, my life is on hold for the next few weeks. I’ve been lying awake in bed one minute thinking about what I’ll do once the business is sold, and the next minute planning what I’m going to change this season at the store.  It’s a mental waiting room where I am waiting for the doctor to come out and give the results.  I keep telling my husband that I’m not getting excited, that we just need to wait and see. While that sounds very rational, I have gotten excited about the possibility of selling.  But that is tin

Under, Fall through, repeat.

Early March 2018 Well, the contract expired before the prospective buyer could secure financing.  He started dragging his feet and we all got the sinking feeling he was stalling because the banks were turning him down for a loan. So while the ultimate failure was suspected, it was still a blow when the contract fell through.  It was a little too tough to write about when it happened so I’m just now documenting it. With a month of perspective, I can honestly say it was for the best for everyone.  It became increasingly clear that his business acumen was likely not up for the business. I think he was buying our store in an attempt to save his other failing stores with the cash infusion from our positive cash flow.  Long-term, I’m not sure he could’ve run the store successfully.  In the meantime our contract ran out with our broker. Then, two weeks after it expired, they had an interested buyer so of course we said let’s talk to them.  Turns out they are a couple from Virginia with a st

Things (may) be about to change

It's Tuesday November 28 2017 and I’m sitting by the fire in my home in Atlanta.  After 11 years of owning and working for a very busy specialty foods store and restaurant,  I am faced with two offers to buy my business.  While I love the guests and I love what I do, I’m tired. I think it’s time to sell and let someone else take the market to the next level. The store has been the best business I’ve ever been involved with, but it has taken over my entire life.  It’s been ten years since I have had a holiday off. I’ll be 50 next year so I’m no longer young, but I’m not ready to be full-blown “retired” either.  It’s an exciting place to be, but also a bit worrisome.  I get antsy after a few days off.  I don’t golf, play tennis or belong to a country club.  I have no kids. I’ll need to do something.  Of course, all of this could fall through and both offers could dry up.  I may be working at the store another couple of years, so I’m not counting the chicks before they are hatched. Bu