Under, Fall through, repeat.

Early March 2018
Well, the contract expired before the prospective buyer could secure financing.  He started dragging his feet and we all got the sinking feeling he was stalling because the banks were turning him down for a loan. So while the ultimate failure was suspected, it was still a blow when the contract fell through.  It was a little too tough to write about when it happened so I’m just now documenting it. With a month of perspective, I can honestly say it was for the best for everyone.  It became increasingly clear that his business acumen was likely not up for the business. I think he was buying our store in an attempt to save his other failing stores with the cash infusion from our positive cash flow.  Long-term, I’m not sure he could’ve run the store successfully.
 In the meantime our contract ran out with our broker. Then, two weeks after it expired, they had an interested buyer so of course we said let’s talk to them.  Turns out they are a couple from Virginia with a strong business background, have kids and want to get involved with the community.  All of this feels like a perfect fit. So long story short, we are under contract with them. It’s been such a roller coaster but I have to say this feels like the best fit. We shall see...


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